Yum Beef Tapa with Pineapple Salsa #PhilippineRestaurantMenu | Philippine Restaurants Menu

Beef Tapa with Pineapple Salsa #PhilippineRestaurantMenu


The pineapple salsa on the side brings a refreshing touch to a breakfast classic. You can substitute beef with any meats of your choice. Serves 4.

Beef Tapa with Pineapple Salsa #PhilippineRestaurantMenu


750 grams beef tapa (bought or make your own)
2 tablespoons cooking oil
3 cloves crushed garlic
5 cups steamed white rice
salt and pepper to taste

For the Pineapple Salsa:

1 cucumber, chopped
4 red tomatoes, chopped
1 white onion, chopped
100 grams coriander, chopped
1/4 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon fish sauce
1 tablespoon sugar
salt and black pepper to taste


1 In a wok, heat cooking oil on medium flame. Fry beef tapa until light golden brown. Remove beef tapa from the pan and set aside.

2 Add crushed garlic and steamed white rice to remaining oil in the wok. Season to taste.

3 Make the Salsa Pineapple Salsa: In a bowl, combine cucumber, tomatoes, onions, and cilantro. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well.

4 To serve, lay beef tapa on top of the pineapple salsa.


  1. Awesome!!! Glad to see this sites. Filipino foods are the best foods for me..Thanks for sharing this ingredients...:) Great post!!!

  2. I am expecting pineapple in your recipe is it omitted or really no pineapple.


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